
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I don't know why, but small ponies seem to elicit involuntary squeals of delight from everyone.

Here: a clip from Parks and Recreation (it's a tv show, Mom) to prove it:

Anyways, last weekend we wandered down to my brother-in-law's house to borrow something, and happened upon these:

involuntary squeal: omygoshlook! PONIES! [each syllable higher in tone then the previous]

There is  something about small horses that no one can resist.  Even Daniel was taken with them; he has now given me permission to get one and keep it in our yard as the world's cutest lawn mower.

One of the best things about living on the farm is that random animals pop up all over.  My brother-in-law runs a horse back riding business, and decided to stock some ponies for kids to ride.  He didn't tell anyone, he just let them loose in the yard.

My nieces and nephews are coming back soon from a few months living in England.  I can't WAIT for the shrieks of joy when they find the ponies.


  1. The second I saw, "Parks and Recreation" mentioned I was like, "LIL' SEBASTIAN!!!!" Haha... Great clip and adorable pony.

    1. Abbie-- I love all the parks and rec shows but my favorite hands down is the lil' sebastian episode. When the horse comes in and Ron Swanson starts giggling? amazing.

  2. Cathleen, Do you know how many readers you have? You definitely have one dedicated reader - I just love reading about your life in Belize - and I enjoy your writing style. I hope you and Daniel are doing well. I think of you guys from time to time while at work. I hope you are able to get out here some day. Let me know if you ever need anything! Take care! Eva

  3. Hi Eva!
    Sometimes I'm not even sure my family reads this, haha. But I'm glad you enjoy it, I have fun taking pictures. It's a good way to keep in touch when you live far away :)
