
Saturday, September 29, 2012

NYC part 2: South St. Seaport and Sprinkles

Would it surprise anyone who knows me that I planned the heck out of our NYC trip?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  I'm a huge trip planner, and add in a short stay and not too much money and I went a little crazy.  Needless to say, it all went out the window the very first morning when my lovely husband slept in (and I let him cause he was tired) while I paced around mentally subtracting minutes from our Met visit.  I had to give myself a little attitude adjustment and force some calm, and move on.  Much to my delight we were able to do almost everything I had hoped, and discovered some new, unplanned, but absolutely wonderful places.

South Street Seaport was a really nice surprise.  We had made the trip to the tip of Manhattan to visit the Bodies exhibit (sooooo great, if you are in to science/ medicine/ coolness I can't recommend it enough) which is located in the Seaport.  It turns out that the Seaport would be a great destination in itself.  The area is pedestrian only, and there are bunches of charming shops and restaurants with old-fashioned architecture lining a cobbled street. Then heading out towards the water, you see this:

A maritime museum.  What a juxtaposition, it looks like the ship is going to plow into the skyscrapers, doesn't it?  Unfortunately the museum was closed.  Also unfortunately closed:  a learn-to-trapeze school (!!!).

Looking in the other direction, there is a wonderful view of the Brooklyn Bridge.

After soaking in the sites, we walked a few minutes down to pier 11. I had discovered in my research that a free-with-purchase ferry runs from the dock to Ikea Brooklyn.  Conveniently for us, they also run a free shuttle in Brooklyn from the store to a metro stop 2 blocks away from where we were staying.  So we headed over, taking the scenic route home.

Of course, at Ikea we had to take advantage of the crazy cheap Swedish meatball lunch :)

And now, let's talk about Sprinkle's cupcakes. My original itinerary had included a tour-du-cupcake stores of Manhattan.  Sadly, this (shamefully well planned and researched) tour had to be sacrificed in order to spend time with the family (Rough).  However, I did notice that one store was not that far from the Met, and was also kinda in the path we could take to catch a Metro home.  Also my sister said they were good.

Our walk took us down Fifth Avenue, right along Central Park.

a jazz concert on the steps of the met

Central Park squirrels
Me at Sprinkles, before I had actually tasted a cupcake.  The after picture would probably have been me, clinging with all my strength to the door while rooting through my purse, trying to scrape together as much cupcake money as possible.

Oooh my gosh, Sprinkle's cupcakes.  I got two (WHY?? I DON'T KNOW.  Uncharacteristic modesty in the face of baked goods.)  The dark chocolate cupcake was the best thing I have ever put in my mouth. My entire life.  It was so good, I only ate half, and slowly nibbled away at the rest over the next 2 days.  Is that pathetic or what??  Lets just say that in any future trips to NYC, Sprinkles cupcakes will be priority number one.

NYC, we will be back. Guard your cupcakes.


  1. Told you!! I'd like to take full responsibility for your discovery of Sprinkles Cupcakes. Now you have credible proof that everything I recommend is amazing.

  2. Did you guys make it to a Dairy Queen so Daniel could have his banana split redemption?

    1. Sadly there was no dairy Queen. However, Daniel did have like 40 miniature milk shakes at my sister's wedding, so it all worked out.

  3. Did you get to go aboard the Peking Tall Ship? I was lucky enough to be in Norfolk, Va in 2001 when they had 74 tall ships in port at once. What a site watching them come in!!
