
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving, Belizean style

Today was a bit of an unusual Thanksgiving.  Belize doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, but we are lucky to be included in the big Thanksgiving meal Daniel's school hosts for the American volunteers every year.  Normally there is roast chicken or turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, salad, pie-- the traditional stuff.  Everyone contributes a side or desert, and everyone stuffs themselves to the brim.  This year, for some unknown reason, we had barbecue chicken, mashed potatoes, and baked beans.  While I am quite thankful for a nice meal that I did not have to cook or clean up after, I now need to make stuffing this weekend to fill the Thanksgiving stuffing hole in my psyche.


The babes brought his own seat.  He travels with staff and accessories.

My contribution today was cupcakes.  I like to stick to a few desserts that I do well.  I've never made a pie, but I've got cupcakes with delicious frosting that doesn't melt in the heat (KEY) down pat.
I added some festive sprinkles to make them Thanksgiving-y though.

Pinterest says you can dye sugar to make sprinkles.  This kinda worked, but not really well, fyi.

Grace from Camp Patton is doing a what-did-you-wear for Thanksgiving link up, which I decided would be fun to participate in.  However, when it came to the actual picture-time things got a bit complicated.  My husband was confused (you want me to take a picture? of you? and your shoes? right now??) and the baby decided that moment was a good time to throw a fit because those rocks over there needed to be in his mouth, dang it, so let him go!  Hence the very odd leg position and sun squint.

top: thrifted dress tucked into my jeans
jeans: old navy
shoes: Born
bottle: gerber baby (high fashion)

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I really love your thrifted dress. Gorgeous and a totally genius idea!

    1. Thanks! A lot of times dresses are so short on me they are already like a tunic top. This one definitely could not be worn as a decent dress :)

  2. HA. dying over your husband's reaction .... Simon is sort of trained now but none toooo pleased.

    you look gorgeous and I'm so happy you got to celebrate over there!!

  3. that's a dress?? brilliant!!
